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For almost 30 years Global Human Development, Inc. – GHD, Inc. – was known as The Human Development Company. It was, and still is an ALL-VOLUNTEER non-profit, 501(c)3 educational, research organization.

The focus of THDC/GHD, Inc. was and is, to study how both The Continuum Theory of Human Development, and The Theory of Love that sprung from it, affect the mental, emotional, and physical health of individuals, families, groups, and organizations when applied to their everyday lives and relationships. The results have been more than encouraging!


Today we find many worthwhile personal development goals are presented as the ultimate answer to your happiness and health! 

We go out and purchase books and listen to podcasts about them.

Awareness Meditation Mindfulness
Altruism Compassion Empathy
Kindness Tenderness Gentleness
Appreciation Acceptance Gratitude
Forgiveness Compromise Understanding
Resilience Flexibility 

And of course this applies to Respect, Support, Generosity, Affection, and so forth.


Unconditionality™ – Living and Loving, Self and Others  – 

is the necessary foundation that makes all other efforts at being better and doing better, successful.


For the same reason that hungry children have a hard time learning. Which is why we feed them before or at school. For adults to do their best at achieving the above tranformative habits and behaviors, no matter how important, without nourishing self-love, human beings lack the energy and capacity it takes to succeed.

The Theory of Love states that “Love is Nourishment like Air, Food, and Water.” Humans are taught to be self-sufficient with air, food, and water. Therefore, they must be taught to become self-sufficient with Love – otherwise they are lacking the most essential nourishment needed to energize their efforts and attempts at personal growth, relationships, and reaching personal, health and career goals. Love from others is wonderful, but as we learned early in life, we can't count on it - so we need to count on ourselves.

In 35+ years GHD, Inc. has developed and piloted programs in the following sectors of society:

  1. A – Personal Development
  2. B – Marriage Enrichment / Divorce prevention
  3. C – Child Development / Parenting
  4. D – Psychotherapeutic Intervention - Life Coaching
  5. E – Employee Wellness
  6. F – K-12 Emotional Intelligence / anti-Bullying Curriculums
  7. G – Resident Life Training
  8. H – Aging - Developing one's full power to touch/move/motivate other human beings
  9. I – Physician Burnout Prevention

The Love App is a necessary component of any program looking to enrich lives.

It has the theory and tools that make programs dynamic.

Support Us

In order to help us complete and maintain the Love Decoded App Course, we invite those of you eager to have it become available to download our books in many languages by  – or simply click here to donate to our GoFundMe!

To contact us about any of these projects or the app, please email us at