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In order to help the Love App complete its coding stage, we invite those of you eager to have it become available, to order the App , to download our books in many languages – or simply donate!

For years people have been asking how they can support our work. Since we never did fundraising people weren't able to donate. We invited all those who had specific skills in the areas of education, wellness, marriage enrichment, program development, etc. in addition to human development and psychology to support our work. But, building Apps requires a very specific skill set. And there are very few experts in it who are available to volunteer. Most require monetary compensation. So after 30 years, we’re reaching out to ALL Of YOU. Thank you in advance...

Deutsch Has Devoted His Life To Bringing A New Science of Love To The Global Community.

Because every human being deserves Love! As much as they need and want. Unconditionally! You certainly do.

Rarely has there been a theory with the historical implications and positive consequences of - Love Is Nourishment, like Air, Food, and Water! Especially with the pandemic at hand.

Just like we used to believe the Earth is flat, we believe Love is mostly a romantic notion. Science has totally abdicated its responsibility to investigate something all humans agree on - Life is not really worth living without Love. It has not helped humans to access healthy love as it has done with clean air/water and healthy food. Living without unconditional love is very unhealthy - emotionally, mentally, and physically. It is not a choice we make. It is the cultural prison we're all consigned to.

Most people believe they have No Control over getting the Love they want and need from others. Especially Unconditional Love. People either want to give us their love or they don't. We firmly believed this, until now.

Control over Love. Love is no longer a "Mystery”. As matter of fact you can learn from the App to have as much as you need, in part by having permission to love yourself, as you do with feeding yourself. We can even control others' unloving behavior toward us and transform it.

This new Science has opened the door for each and every one of us to realize we have the power in our hands to have the love we deserve. A solution very different than what the love experts and gurus, bloggers and podcasters are broadcasting to you.
They are wrong...Unintentionally and Unfortunately.


Covid-19 has made having more love even more of an imperative to help heal our individual and collective wounds.

From fear to Love! "I spent a lot of time contemplating man's inhumanity to man, as much of my early life was filled with sadness and fear", says Deutsch. It was his anti-hunger work, in his twenties and thirties, that led him to his discovery. People's reaction to other’s loving and unloving behavior seemed similar to a hungry person’s reaction to getting or not getting nourishment . Psychologist Erich Fromm wrote; “People are starved for love.” Deutsch thought, “What if that is literally true?” That is when he hypothesized "Love is an essential nourishment like air, food, and water."

Since that day, more than 30 years ago, he has been working tirelessly with his theory that Love is a Nourishing energy, one we can consciously generate, and give to ourselves or others, that nourishes us like air, food, and water. This has now been scientifically validated by research of all kinds; including cancer survival rates, oxytocin research, telomeres in aging, wound healing, vagal nerve and hippocampal growth, and so forth.

Global Human Development, Inc. is a 501(c)3 education, non-profit corporation with an all-volunteer staff. We are building a much needed App that will enable our theory of love and the tools which teach to help people develop Unconditional behaviors, perfected over the past 30 years, to reach a global audience.

The Finish Line in View. The APP has been in the works for almost 6 years, developed with volunteers donating hundreds of hours. Psychologists helping with the content, designers making the App visually attractive, technical team members prototyping the app to make it easy-to-use and highly effective in pursuit of our goal - to have every human being be able to get and give all the unconditional love they need and deserve.

Testing, the final step. If you are interested in being part of testing the App and fundraising for this important project, send us an email at

Why we need love so much? You and all the people you love, and those you would like to have more loving relationships with, have been waiting for science to discover and explain what love is and how we can acquire it unconditionally. And at the same time provide you and those you love with tools that can teach everyone the best way of gaining control over having more love in your life.

In the palm of your hand! The App places the controls needed to have an abundance of love in your hands. So much in fact, that you will want to give away a lot of it to those who are starving for love. Family, friends, even strangers.

Your support will enable us to get this information and tool to as many people globally as possible.

"I never imagined." The theory that "Love is a Nourishing energy like air, food, and water" can change the world. It was a direct result of the years Deutsch spent working to end world hunger, being the founder and Chairman of the Board of Impact On Hunger, Inc. One day, musing on human development, he asked himself why he felt so good when people were nice to him and so badly when they were not. He thought of how starving people felt when having food and when going hungry. 

The truth. The theory and the truth that "YOU ARE BORN TO BE LOVED" is information all human beings deserve to know. Even those whose families, for whatever reason, weren't able to give them the love they needed. And with the creation of the Internet and cellphones, it is now possible to reach the whole world with this theory.

The solution. To get the love we need, each one of us has to become self-sufficient, like we are with air, food, and water. Love ourselves in an emotionally healthy way, like a best friend. The theory and the tools developed over the past 30 years have helped thousands of people to become self-sufficient, to love themselves and also get the love they deserve from others. Finally, it helps everyone to give the love we all need to give to others. Remember love is nourishment; Exhaling is as important as inhaling - it goes for giving love as well as getting it.

The App's Promise: this pioneering theory of love makes it possible for everyone in our global community to learn to get and give all the unconditional love they want and need in order to:

    1. Help develop 'a positive inner relationship with themselves' - self-esteem, self-worth, self-love
    2. Help heal and/or develop more loving relationships with others
    3. Develop an Unconditionally Loving Community, and
    4. Develop their full potential, in order to live the healthiest mental, physical and emotional life possible.


"Stefan is The Father of the Science of Love." Ivel De Freitas, MD - Lead scientist on Danbury Hospital clinical trial - using Deutsch's theory.
“I am not a religious man, but God Bless you for your work on love.” Shawn Rubin, PhD, Professor of Psychology at GWU, Pres. of Div. 32, APA.
"Hear about his theory and learn the concept and tools that guided hundreds of hearts and minds on a unique journey to Unconditional Love." Dr. Duffy Spencer 



Who is this App For? People interested in personal growth, as well as those working with mental health professionals. People who are sometimes depressed, anxious, angry, addicted, sad, lonely, in unloving relationships, contemplating divorce, estranged from family, stuck in their careers, or having weight issues should find it valuable to learn how to love themselves.

24/7 support! This App will also be an invaluable, daily resource, that mental health professionals, as well as nutritionists, physical trainers, yoga instructors and so forth - will be encouraging their patients and clients to use between sessions. Having a consistent supply of love to nourish us is as important to reaching our goals and for our wellbeing as clean air, healthy food, and clean water.

"This has been my life's work" - Deutsch has been a teacher, author, philosopher, anti-hunger activist, psychotherapist - all in order to bring love, happiness, health, and inner peace to human beings globally. Sadly, there is still division, distrust, ignorance, fear and hate in the world. Join us to help people take a step in the right direction - replacing fear and hate with Love of Self and the Other.


We are planning many more Apps for Specific Audiences, all using this theory - and Based on Successful Programs and Pilot studies Developed Over 30 Years. Which apps will you be excited to use?!

App for Psychotherapists and Wellness professionals

  • This App is based on Deutsch’s 30 years of successful clinical work with individuals, couples, families, and small and large groups - science based

App for Couples - Marriage and Relationships

  • This App is based on Deutsch’s book, 30 years of work with couples, and now translated into all major languages – LOVE DECODED

App for Employee Wellness

  • This App is based on WellZones™- a program used in a clinical trial, and based on Deutsch’s Theory of Self-care through Self-love – successful in reducing burn-out symptoms of physicians, nurses

App for Parenting and Child Development

  • This App is based on Deutsch’s work, having parents teach their children unconditional self-love – based on the upcoming book – Parenting Unconditionally

App for Longevity & Aging

  • This App is based on Deutsch's Continuum Theory of Human Development, as it applies to aging, in the forthcoming book – LifePro

App for K-12 and Resident Life – Emotional Intelligence

  • This App is based on over 10 years of curriculum development in Emotional Intelligence – applied to K-12, with Teachers Training and College Resident Life - with a Unique Approach to Bullying